Meat and Poultries - F

Meat Facts
• Types of Meat
• Meat Cuts ( Tips for cooking )
• Meat Nutritional Values
.• Meat Health Benefits

Meat and Poultries Facts

Glorious meat cooked the way we like is truly one of life’s greatest pleasures! Shrimp on the barbie is something special but how about a good Tbone or Rib Eye Fillet? Thankfully our country is still the lucky country when it comes to getting quality meat on our plate!.

Tips for Cooking and Storage

Meat comes in all shapes and sizes, with its unique taste. Beef or example has many cuts and every cut is different in its taste and structure.
The method in which we cook our meat has a major impact on the taste or flavour.
Certain cuts like silver side (outsides) are mostly used for corn meat, and topside (insides) are mostly used for roast meat.

Types of Meat

Meat and Poultries Nutritional Value

Meat and Poultries Nutritional Value

Meat and Poultries Health Benefits

Meat and Poultries


For More Information